Welcome back Loma Heights Twisters!
We are so excited to get the school year started. It is going to be a great year of learning, discovery, and connections. I would like to first introduce you to our new Assistant Principal, Mr. Kevin Moreman and our new BICS Assistant Principal, Mr. Raul Saldana. Welcome!
Teachers started this week, and they are working hard to get the classrooms ready for
your children. The 1st day of school for 1st-5th grade is Monday, August 9th. Kindergarten
transition days will be on Tuesday, August 10th and Wednesday, August 11th. Kindergarten’s first
official day will be on Thursday, August 12th. PreSchool programs (Headstart and DDpre) will
have home visits on Monday, August 9th, transition day on Tuesday, August 10th and their first
official day will be Wednesday, August 11th. All teachers will be contacting parents to introduce
themselves. Kinder teachers and Preschool teachers will give more information about transition
days. Students will return back to attending school 5 days per week, Mon.-Fri. School hours for
K-5th grade is 7:55 am-2:30 pm. For Headstart school hours are 7:45 am-2:45 pm and DDpre
hours are from 7:45 am-10:45 am for morning classes and 11:30 am-2:30 pm for afternoon
As always, our priority will continue to be student safety. We will continue covid safe
practices with mask wearing throughout the day. Students will only be allowed to remove their
masks while eating, drinking or engaging in structured PE or recess. We will also encourage
students to keep 3 ft. social distancing and regular hand washing and use of hand sanitizer. To
keep everyone as safe as possible we are also limiting visitors/parents in the building. Any
parent that would like to request a meeting or come into the school must have prior approval
from a school administrator.
Additionally, please keep your child home if they are feeling sick and follow up with your
child’s pediatrician. Please contact the school and inform us of your child’s health status and
don’t forget to request a doctor’s note for the absence.
Arrival/ Parent Drop Off
The elementary school day begins at 7:55 a.m. Students should not arrive any earlier than 7:45
a.m. We will not be conducting temperature checks in the morning. As soon as staff is outside students may exit their vehicles. Students will be entering the building at three different entry points and will go directly back to their class. If a child arrives after 8:15 am, the parent will call the front office at 575-527-9546 and front office staff will sign the child in and escort them into the building. Thank you for supporting us in keeping all children safe. Parents will not be
allowed to walk students back to their classrooms.
Early Pick Up: If it becomes necessary for parents to pick up students before the end of the
school day, parents will call 575-527-9546 and give the child’s name, teacher name and parents
name. A staff member will meet the parent outside to verify the parents ID and sign the child
out . No child can be checked out after 2:00 pm. This is for the safety of all children as it gets
very busy for the front office at the end of the day.
Pick Up Drive Thru Lane Directions
We will be continuing our same pick-up procedure from last year. There will be
two pick up lanes. One dedicated for families (2 or more students attending Loma) and the
other dedicated to single students (1 child attending Loma).
1. You must request for a PICK-UP number, with your classroom teacher, if you don’t already
have one. If your child(ren) attended Loma Heights last year they will use the same number.
(All siblings will have the same number)
2. After receiving your PICK-UP number, it must be visibly located on the right-hand side of
your dashboard
3. Wait in the drive-thru lane for your child to be called and loaded.
Please wait in the loading lane until all children are safely in their cars and a staff member
signals that it is safe to move forward. We will be loading approximately 3-4 cars at one time.
4. If you have another family member picking up your child, please let them know that we will
check their id and confirm they are on the pick-up list from their yellow card that was
completed in the registration packet. They will need to know the child(ren) PICK-UP NUMBER.
Students that are walking home or walking to meet their parents will be released out of the far
right or left of the building. If parents are meeting their child(ren) they will need to wait behind
the gate on the East side or behind the orange line of the West side.
We are looking forward to a fantastic school year and we are excited and ready to have
our students back with us!
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 575-527-9546 or through email.
Thank you and we will see everyone soon!!!
Teresa Hernandez, Principal, thernandez@lcps.net
Kevin Moreman, Assistant Principal, kmoreman@lcps.net
Raul Saldana, BICS Assistant Principal, rsaldana@lcps.net